First dance

First dance

Friday, August 9, 2013

Friday letter...

dear friday: Glad you finally decided to show up. You're now my 2nd favorite F-word. I am afraid another one surpassed you and is now in top spot (and now I need to wash my mouth out with soap, thanks to you!)

dear stomach: I really didn't eat anything bad today. Why are you being so mean to me?? I wanted to be able to get the grocery shopping finished tonight and have a nice relaxing night with my husband. Please stop the madness before you make me take drastic action!

dear sleeping med: You worked for a week or so, but now, I am feeling drowsy during the day again. Are you not doing your job? Or do you need some help? I'm really feeling scared about this sleep study thing on Tuesday, but I hope they can help me figure this all out and make me all better.

dear job prospect: I am optimistic while also trying not to get my hopes up. After the phone interview, I feel this might be a good place for me, but I have some concerns too. Hoping to get a better feel during my face-to-face interview next week. Just praying to make a good impression and to obtain an offer, if it truly is right for me.

dear hubby: I hope we can find sometime to just let loose this weekend. Maybe we can go bowling or go play some games @ Gattiland. I just feel the need to act like a big kid and who better to do that with than you!? Really, I don't care what we do... The weekends are nice because I don't have to be away from you! I miss you, dang it!

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