First dance

First dance

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Friendsgiving... Wowza!

I was so hyped about Friendsgiving. For weeks, I've been posting on the FB event page and building excitement for great food and a altogether good time. That's what I remembered from last year, so I thought this year would be the same. Eh, not so much.

The day started off on the wrong foot when my cookie dough cupcakes burned! :/ They were totally ruined! Luckily, we'd already picked up ingredients for a 2nd dessert we planned to make so we had a 'Plan B' -- Chocolate chip bundt cake, homemade caramel drizzle and a Snicker bar crumble. That was until the bundt cake fell apart and the caramel took WAY longer and a LOT more effort than we anticipated. This was definitely NOT our day in the kitchen.

In any case, we brushed it off, got dressed and headed to our destination. Breezy said she was shooting for a 7:00 dinnertime. Knowing Breezy the way we know her, I fully expected things would not be ready when we arrived. That's just what we've come to expect and that's ok. What we didn't expect was that the turkey would be the only thing close to finished by 7. Potatoes and noodles for mac-n-cheese were boiling, cornbread was done for the stuffing and green beans were in the crockpot. But none of those things were near ready to eat by 7. Two or three of us girls were trying to help, but Breezy was just ALL OVER THE PLACE. She literally had spells of standing blank in the kitchen and struggling to figure out what to do, what needed to be done, what she was even doing at that moment. What began as humorous quickly became frustrating. By 9:00, stuffing was still not put together, potatoes were not mashed, turkey was not carved, sweet potato cassarole had not been started... People were hungry and it was starting to show! At 10:00, the sweet potato cassarole was taken out of the oven - only to realize that the oven was turned off and it never even cooked. Luckily, everything else was finally done and we could finally eat.

After all of the chaos, the two girls who were helping in the kitchen earlier were left to clean everything up. I was just... amazed... Definitely not a good way to host dinner, even if it is for a group of friends. Rodney said we should suggest Friendsgiving is turned into a potluck from now on, just to relieve some of the pressure on 1 cook. But she's said before that she loves it... she thrives on it... which is all fine and good if you can get your act together and get things done.

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