First dance

First dance

Monday, November 4, 2013

I'm thankful...

Hello November! It's been a while! This is a month with bitter sweet meanings to me (my father passed in 2006, but then I met my now-husband in 2007). So, my emotions seem to run a bit higher this time of year.

Last year, I jumped on board with 30 Days of Thanks postings on Facebook. Although I do my best not to take life or anything in it for granted, sometimes it's easier to overlook seemingly small things and the simplest blessings. It was so rewarding to just acknowledge those things and to even be able to read back over them later. When life gets crazy (and it often does), it's nice to take a step back and recognize how truly blessed we are.

So-in the spirit of Thanksgiving and cherishing the things that mean most to me, I give you the top 10 things I am grateful for!

1. Life - It is short. It is fragile. As the years go by, I think more about the circle of life and how important it is to cherish every single moment. I am thankful for the experiences I've had thus far and the ones that are to come. May I always remember that there is a reason for everything and that God ultimately has a plan for my life.

2. Love - It took me a long time to realize that love isn't supposed to hurt. The people that truly love you should tell you and show you however they can. It is to be reciprocated and should not be based on greed, egos, images or selfish motives. Only in recent years did I truly discover what love meant... It makes my heart full and it makes me feel alive like nothing else. It may have taken 27 years to find, but it really was worth the wait.

3. My Husband - An extension of #2. He is my best friend. He is my soulmate. He is my 'moonbeam'. He has changed my life in so many ways and brought me so much --- joy. I never knew love, partnership and marriage could be so wonderful and fulfilling. He understands me. He encourages me. He loves me - at my best, but also at my worst. I am so blessed and so incredibly thankful to have this amazing man to journey through life with.

4. Laughter - What would life be without laughter? It's hard to even imagine. Many of the people closest to me are ones who can make me laugh to my belly hurts. Freakin' awesome! Being silly and laughing totally make life worth living!

5. Friendship - With such a dysfunctional absent family, my close friends have BECOME my family. Who needs bloodlines when I can hand-pick my family members!? LOL! I bet everyone wishes they were me now :) Seriously, though, I have some wonderful friendships in my world and I am very thankful to have those people to love, encourage and do life together.

6. My Job - While I have had lots of issues with my job this year, I still am thankful to have it. I need to be able to earn a paycheck and provide for my family. The job I have may not be the one I want and I may not earn as much money as I would like - but it supplies what I need.

7. Mistakes & Heartbreaks - I know. It's odd that this would even make the list, but there is a method to my madness. As I get older, I recognize that I would not be the person I am today if I had not endured so much in my life. Challenges, mistakes, heartbreaks... They bring forth maturity, they strengthen and they help us become better people. Without them, I may not be as thankful as I am to have the life I have now.

8. My Home - Home is my quiet place (well, except for noisy neighbors!). It's my escape from the world. I can be alone with my husband to share my innermost thoughts, fears and emotions. It's my 'sanctuary', so to speak.

9. Music - A 'thankful' list would not be complete without music. My daddy gave me a love for music and it has the innate ability to speak what's in my heart. In times of sadness, joy, anger, confusion or excitement, there is a song somewhere that can capture the exact way I am feeling.

10. My Blog - I am so glad my friend shared her blog with me and encouraged me to start one of my own. I was afraid at first, but it has been a great thing for me. Eventually, I hope to connect with more bloggers, but for now, I am OK to share what's in my heart - even if no one ever reads it.

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