First dance

First dance

Friday, September 20, 2013

Which One??

Which One??

Vacationing in Orlando or vacationing in NYC
I think NYC would be WAY too crowded and WAY too hectic for me. I am gonna say Orlando. A little Florida sunshine always does a sister good! 

 iPhone or Droid
I have a Droid now and it BITES. Maybe I should pick iPhone.

NSYNC or Backstreet Boys

N’Sync. Hands down. We don’t want no stinking Backstreet Boys! ;)


Being forced to delete Facebook or forced to delete Twitter
 I don’t Tweet. However, I don’t know what I’d do without my Facebook!

Fireball or Miller Light
Miller Light is gross. I’m not sure what Fireball is. Can I just have a Liquid Cocaine or a glass of wine?? :)


Full House or Family Matters
Duh. That’s easy. Full House. I can only take so much Steve Urkel... But I could look at Uncle Jesse all day ;)


Dumbledore or Gandolf
Say who? Say what?

Dying Easter Eggs or Carving Pumpkins
I’m not big on Easter eggs so I’m gonna go with the pumpkin. Most times I have painted the pumpkin in lieu of carving it --- but only because I’m a clutch (aka not good with knives)


NCAAF. Too many egos in NFL to suit me (although I do love my Steelers)

A hangover forever or sobriety forever
 Ew. Hangovers are awful. Going to have to get on the sobriety train here. I can’t bear the thought of being hung over forever. Shoo! 


January or July
 January (only because it’s the month my husband was born…)

Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus
My first thought is neither. They are both ‘technically’ Miley Cyrus. But at least Hannah Montana didn’t lick sledgehammers or swing half naked on wrecking balls. The only thing worse than Miley Cyrus is Taylor Swift... but at least she doesn't act like a ho! Guess that means HM wins it.

What the HELL happened to her!??!?
Shark Week or Fashion Week
 Shark Week terrifies the bajeezus out of me.
Fashion Week makes me feel like the chunkiest, ugliest piece of crap in the world. Can I say neither?  


 Fresh Prince of Bel-Air or Saved by the Bell
 NO competition here. Fresh Prince, for sure. I’m a sucker for the Carlton dance! ;)

Britney or Christina
I’ve always liked Christina’s voice and music better. Plus Britney married Kevin Federline and started dressing like trailer trash. Wait they're both trashy...
Based on the voice only, I’m gonna go with Christina.


Wait --- they have the same exact pose... Birds of a feather flock together... 


 Burrito or Burrito Bowl
I like it NAKED! Burrito bowl it is! 


Reading blogs on your phone or reading blogs on your computer
My computer. If I had access to blogs on my phone, I would never accomplish anything.


Angelina or Jennifer
Jennifer Aniston is gorgeous and probably someone I could be friends with (no pun intended). Brad Pitt is clearly the only person in the world
that would choose Angelina in this scenario.
Friggin Idiot.


Doug Funny or the Rugrats

I’ve never seen either. 
An open mouth chewer or a heavy breather
 I want to kill open mouth chewers. What are you a cow!? Have some friggin manners! Geeez. Heavy breathing doesn’t bother me so much – so I’m going to pick that one.


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