First dance

First dance

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tired... And it's only Tuesday!

I feel like life has been a jumbled mess over the last few weeks. Perhaps, it's just because it has been so darn heat. Heat goes to my brain and turns it to complete mush! BUT, alas, our A/C is fixed for now and things are hopefully getting back to normal.


Normal. Pshhh... You see how long that lasted! This week is craziness with stuff going on almost every night. That is SO unlike me. I like my quiet evenings chilling at home with my hubby. But, I like catching up with friends too (some more than others!) I just hate that they all fell on the same darn week! Dinner with a couple of friends tonight, bowling league tomorrow, celebrating Beandip's birthday on Fri night and then lunch with another group of girls on Sat. Makes me tired just thinking of all those places to be!

Another curveball to my week will be a Thursday afternoon visit to see my mother. She sent me a FB message a few weeks ago, from a fake profile, and when I responded, I let her know that she should either contact me as herself or not at all. A week or so passed and then I received another message on Saturday. For once, it seemed she heard me because this message was from her actual account. While I do not believe all of the health issues and memory loss she claims to have, I do think it's time to make peace about the situation, whatever that entails. Regardless of my head saying "What-ever!" and my heart saying "She's hurt me, why bother!?", there is something inside pushing me to just go. She may think it's all about her, but really, a big part of my compliance is for me. If, and that's a big IF, she is in bad health, there are some things that I need to say before something happens to her. With so many things left open, broken and unsaid with my father, I do not want the same thing to happen with my mother. So, reluctantly and fearfully, I will go. I only hope I do not leave the visit in worse condition that when I started.

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