I saw a link on Facebook a week or so ago with the title “My Husband Is Not My Soulmate” Here’s the link http://theartinlife.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/my-husband-is-not-my-soul-mate/
I started thinking a lot about this article and something about it just didn’t sit right with me. In a nutshell, the author talks about theology and the way it points out that God didn’t make one perfect person for us. The author concluded that God gave us freewill to choose who we want to marry and the one was technically not real.
This just goes to show that the Bible and the scriptures within it can be interpreted in numerous ways and not everyone will come away with the same understanding. I read the same Bible this girl read… but I believe 100% that God does make a perfect person for each of us. She chose to dig deep within the theological reasoning to support her belief… I chose to let the scripture speak for itself. In Genesis 2:18, the Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him…” It did not say “helpers”. The passage goes onto say in verse 21, “So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man. The man said, “This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called ‘woman’ for she was taken out of man...” God knew Adam inside out. He knew everything there was to know about him... and He created Eve just for Adam. Adam had freewill just as we do, but God didn't make multiple women for him to choose from. He made one. Eve.
If God designed and created the first man and woman specifically for one another, why would he not do the same for us? That is not to say that we will not feel attraction or fall in love with other people. I am sure there are people right now who are married to someone other than the one God created for them. Not everyone is patient enough to wait on God’s timing for their soulmate to be revealed. It doesn’t necessarily mean those marriages will fail; if God is at the center, it can be successful, even if it’s not with the one.
As a young girl, I dreamed about what my husband might be like. I think a lot of girls do. But as I got older, experienced this crazy thing called life and truly began to think about the kind of person I wanted to spend my life with, it was nothing like the dream I had as a little girl. I began to pray, that God would bless me, that if He had created a man specifically for me, I needed him to come into my life. I had gone through enough life without this person and with the other half of my heart and soul out there, I felt like something was definitely missing. I started thinking -- God knows me from the inside out, just like He knew Adam. He loves me just as much as He loved Adam. I just KNOW there has to be an "Eve" out there for me? I stopped looking for a man and started focusing on myself. As I prayed for my soulmate to be revealed, I was preparing myself for this person, to ensure I was ready for him and to ensure he would receive the very best of me. Within a year, my beautiful “Eve” came into my life and this past year, we were married after 5 years together. He was everything I prayed for and more. I can’t imagine sharing my life with anyone else. When I look at him, I see God’s amazing love for me because He took the time to create, mold and shape this wonderful man into someone who compliments the best parts of me and is capable of being strong where I am weak. There is no alternate version. There are no other models to choose from. This is the one.
My husband is my soul mate.
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