READING The latest celebrity news. Classmates' posts on motivation. Reports for work.
WRITING Emails, this blog and whatever else I can do to pass the time til 5:00.
LISTENING Carrie Underwood channel on Pandora. Weird that I hit a country music mood. It's good once in a blue moon, I s'pose. As long as it's comtemporary stuff and not that whiny-i shot my dog-my brother slept with my wife-now I'm gonna drink myself to death-kinda muzack!
THINKING About ALOT. My good friend's wedding is tomorrow so I am excited for her special day. I had a crazy week complete with a sleep study and now I must get used to sleeping with a machine for sleep apnea. No bueno. Thinking about my future with Rodney, wondering about job changing, children and what God's plan is for us. And giving some thought to weight loss and possibly attending a seminar on the Lapband procedure. I've always been heavy. I'm tired of it. I want to live a long life with my husband. I want to be the sexiest wife possible and a healthy mommy to carry our children -- and once the kids are older, an active one who has tons of energy and is as fun on the exterior as she is on the inside. It's making me think. Even about my husband and I doing it together, if he wants to. I know he is not as secure about his body as he wants to be and he has some health concerns because of his family history. But if we do it -- if we get a clean slate, we gotta stick to it.
SMELLING This wonderful candle from Bath & Body Works. Cranberry Pear Bellini. It smells so nice. Often it gets so musty in this horrible work cubicle area they call "Cubicle City" so I've been lighting up my candles and spraying Febreze whenever I have a chance!
WISHING I knew where to go from here. So many uncertainties and unknowns in our world right now. Might be time to get on the knees and seek out some answers.
HOPING For a great weekend. I am sure the wedding will be nice tomorrow. I just want to enjoy my time off from work and cherish the precious moments I have with my husband. As much as I would like to take a trip or go someplace for the weekend, I am realizing once again that our time is special, regardless of where we are or what we're doing. As long as we are together.
WEARING My stretchy "fat girl" pants. I am so frustrated about pants right now. After trying to snazz up the wardrobe and get some hella cute, professional dressy pants, I couldn't get any of them to fit. It was A-ok til it came time to button the mutha#%$%^$. I went ahead and bought them because they were close enough that I thought they'd fit if my stomach wasn't full. Not. At least not without giving me a muffin top or cutting off my breathing. I'm so tired of this.
LOVING The sunshine. It was nice to get out of the building and go to lunch with my husband today. It is amazing what seeing him in the middle of the day does for my spirit.
WANTING To feel comfortable in my own skin. It's one thing to be "thick". It's another thing to be obese and unhealthy. I know my husband loves me regardless -- but I am just not happy with what I see in the mirror anymore.
FEELING A little run down. I don't think I have caught up on my sleep from the sleep study night. I've got stuff to do when I get home though. I need to find some energy somewhere. Need to quit slacking, straighten up the apartment and get my paper written for class.
CLICKING Around... trying to pass the time... I could be so much more productive if I was at home right now. <sigh>

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