dear cold/flu/sinus infection: I am totally over you right now. You have made my week so very exhausting and I just want to feel better! Please go away soon so I can enjoy this nice 3-day 4th of July weekend...
dear "penny": Please don't break down on me anymore. Ever since your little episode in the middle of the expressway last week, I've been so paranoid to drive you anywhere, even to work. I keep looking over the steering wheel, squinting and flinching as if at any moment, the check engine light is going to come on and you are going to die again. Please don't die... I bought you for a reason... because I needed a reliable, dependable car. Imagine that!
dear grad school: Thank you for giving me a week off from the madness. My brain is so fried after the double course craziness and I just need a chance to get my bearings. Plus it'll be nice to enjoy a weekend minus homework. I'd almost forgotten what that was like!
dear bathtub: I miss you. With it being so hot in our condo, it's been way too long since my last soak... Hopefully soon... my tired, achy body needs it in the worst way!
dear hvac and the numerous contractors who've attempted to tackle you: Where did you come from? Are you from Mars? Why did it take seven (yes, SEVEN) contractors before someone had a clue how to even take you apart and try t diagnose why we have no air!? It's been a big mess --- I'm just praying the latest contractor and his crew can finally get you cooling today. I'm so tired of being hot... and not being able to do "normal" things in my own home because of it being hot...

dear wine: Where are you? I need you! Too bad you only make me hotter when I drink you... Otherwise, I may have drank my wine rack away over the last few weeks.
dear warranties (home & auto): You are a flippin joke. Truly. It's so awesome to have a home warranty send multiple HVAC guys out who don't have a clue how to fix my A/C. Fantastic! What's even better is that the companies I've talked to who DO have a clue don't work with you --- because you don't pay them. Out of 4 separate repairs we've needed since we bought the condo, you have covered ONE. As a frustrated homeowner, you SUCK a$. It's also awesome to have an auto warranty that doesn't 'technically' cover the issue with my car - even though the temp tags were still on it. Oh - and said warranty was ZERO help when I was sitting on the side of the expressway last week. As a fed-up car owner, you SUCK a$ too.
dear husband: You are the only bright spot in my crazy world right now. Thank you for keeping cool about all of the madness going on around us and for doing your best to keep me sane as well. Who knew I'd be the hothead and you'd be the calm one?! :P I love you and appreciate all you do.
dear life: Please get better soon.
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