I was a bit emotional yesterday. I should've known it was coming. It does every year about this time. Father's Day is hard. It has been for most of my life. For the years my dad was noticeably absent, I missed him and wished he could somehow come back into my life. And for the years since he passed, I've missed him in a different way. As an adult, I guess I feel like whatever kept us apart for so many years could somehow be resolved now. If I only had the opportunity to call him, email him or sit down and have a one-on-one chat, I feel strongly we would be able to put all of the gunk from the past away and finally have the relationship I've always desired. If only...
Daddy, I feel you near me quite often. But it isn't the same as having you here. I wish you could see the things I've accomplished and I really wish you could meet my husband. He is wonderful. I couldn't ask for a more loving, understanding man and I know you would be able to see the ways he completes my life. I hope one day, you and I can have our long overdue conversation and say all of the things that were left unsaid when you passed. I miss you and I love you. Happy Father's Day...
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