...a month, I would be September! I'm starting to really enjoy Fall as I get older.
...a day of the week, I would be Friday! Who doesn't love Fridays!?
...a time of day, 3:00pm. Not too early, not too late!
...a sea animal, I would be a starfish. Because I am a SUPERSTAR! LOL!
...a direction, I would be East. Just so no one can call me the 'Wicked Witch of the West' (sorry for the Wizard of Oz reference!)
...a piece of furniture, I would be a big plushy couch! They are SO comfy, warm and they just draw you in!
...a liquid, I would be a fine wine! Oh yeahhhh!
...a gemstone, I would be a sapphire. Diamonds are too common. A sapphire has many colors and are seen much less often. Besides, it's the gem of my new ring! (Thanks Boo!)
...a tree, I would be a PALM TREE! I just love them! Driving to the beach, that's the first sign that you're close to your destination!
...a tool, I would be a hammer. Because everybody needs one (some people need to be hit upside the head with one!) Just sayin'!
...a flower, I would be a daisy. They're such bright, happy flowers!
...a kind of weather, I would be 75, sunny with a light breeze. Wow, sounds like my wedding day. Awwwww...
...a musical instrument, I would be a piano. Simple and beautiful.
...a color, I would be chocolate brown! Who wouldn't wanna be chocolate for the day!? ;)
...an emotion, I would be joyful!
...a fruit, I would be a honeycrisp apple (because they're the best!)
...a sound, I would be ocean waves... (can you tell I need a vacation!?)
...an element, I would be wind. Can I just say I'd like to give someone a good blowjob ;) Or maybe just blow somebody away!? (silence) Awkward!!
...a car, I would be a Mazda6! Zoom zoom!
...a food, I would be a potato! They're versatile, they go with everything and everyone loves them!
...a place, I would be home. There's no place like home.
...a material, I would be satin. Sexxxxxxxy!
...a taste, I would taste like a chocolate chip cookie!
...a scent, I would smell like a chocolate chip cookie (Is anyone sensing a theme here!?)
...an animal, I would be an elephant. They symbolize strength, honor and stability. Plus they're cute!
...an object, I would be a microphone! Sing to me, baby!!
...a body part, I would be a heart. A big, huge, loving heart.
...a facial expression, I would be a snarl. Because they're funny and my boo has them alot!
...a song, I would be "Superwoman", though I don't feel like it at all lately.
...an item of clothing, I would be a comfy pair of pajamas ;)
...a pair of shoes, I would be boots - so I could whoop some a$$!!
Now it's your turn! What if you were...?
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