dear september: I am actually happy to see you! I've never really been a Fall person, but after the heat we had this summer, a cool autumn breeze sounds pretty darn good!
dear football season: Thank you for bringing joy to my husband ;) He was literally counting the days until your arrival... I'm not kidding! He was able to go to a game last weekend and enjoy some games on TV. He was in football-heaven!
dear grad school: You are right around the corner. I can feel it. I'm trying to enjoy every single homework-free moment before classes begin. Part of me dreads giving up my Monday nights again -- back to the long Mondays where I have to work, then sit in class for 4 hours and not be able to see my husband til around 10:30 at night. It's not fun... But I am praying it will pay off.
dear husband: Thank you for everything. I love you very much!

Thanks for the comment you left on my blog! :) Hope your back stops hurting...that makes for a rough day!