Feeling: Ready for Thanksgiving, some good eats, time with friends and a break from working so much
Loving: My husband - who keeps me going and gives me reason to tackle each day, even when I am exhausted
Craving: TURKEY!! One of many reasons I love Thanksgiving!
Needing: Sleep! I've been so restless the last week or so. I need to shut off my brain, relax and just sleep!
Thankful for: My husband. My close friends. My mother-in-law. My Janet. Obviously, I am thankful for people ahead of everything else ;)
Reading: Well, I SHOULD be reading my materials for the CPP exam, but I've been too mentally exhausted and unmotivated to really start.
Wanting: A glass of wine, a hot bath and my pajamas
Missing: I try not to think about or dwell on what I may be missing
Wearing: Sweats and fuzzy socks!
Thinking about: Cleaning the house and all of the people we'll see and spend time with over the Thanksgiving holidays
I can't believe it's November... or Thanksgiving... or almost Christmas! Where has this year gone!?