What a week! It was overwhelming and exhausting... But it was also wonderful and awesome! My first day was the day I expected in my prior nightmare job. A morning orientation, a tour of the facility, lunch with my new boss and a brief introduction to the team and systems I will be using. It was truly a great day. I felt good vibes from everyone I encountered and the work environment was much more aligned with me and how I personally thrive at work.
Over the course of the week, I sat with several members of team to shadow, observe and get a feel for some of the tasks I will be doing at a later date. While I cannot tell you much of what I observed and I definitely cannot perform any of the tasks yet, I received a high level view of the job and I am feeling good about it. This was a good move. This is where I am supposed to be.
As great as the work environment and job seem at this point, commuting downtown has NOT been fun. In the mornings, it takes me about 35 min. The afternoons have been up to an hour. Compare that will 12-15 min back road commutes and it has been a definite change. To bat, I have to park in a lot a block away from our building. Admittedly, I am not in the best shape, so I spent much of the week with sore leg muscles and tired, achy feet. The two things that kept me from applying for jobs downtown for so many years are now the major downsides to my new job. I am still testing out different routes to work, so I hope to find my groove in the commuting world. After all, I drove an hour to work when I lived in Nashville, so I have proven I can do it. I am also hoping that, somehow, my body will adjust to the additional walking and will not be so sore or exhausted after getting into a routine. If I am happy with the job and the people and the company, I cannot allow these two things to jeopardize a good thing. No pain, no gain, right?
Despite the muscle aches and pains, my mental health is definitely improving. Perhaps the medication is doing its job and keeping my anxiety at bay. But I truly believe this job change has played a significant role as well. I am looking forward to week 2 and learning more on my path to being a superstar!