Because I have been a HORRIBLE blogger lately (due to a MAJOR funk), I stole this format from my blogger friend and will use it to try to bring this thing up-to-date! I really need to get back to this blogging thing soon...
cooking : It is in the 50's this weekend, so there will be a big pot of chili happening tomorrow.
drinking : Lots and lots of water. Ever since my hubs and I starting using myfitnesspal several weeks ago, my water intake has skyrocketed. Like from zero to 8-10 cups per day.
reading : The Carrot Principle. About employee motivation/recognition. Exciting, right? Trying to pass the time at my new job since they've had absolutely nothing for me to do for the last 4 weeks. I MUST be bored because I am NOT a reader. At all.
wanting : Something to turn around at this new job - or for a miracle to happen so I can find another one quickly!
looking : Concert tickets. Christmas presents. Some crazy movie my hubs is watching right now.
playing : I have been playing the new Adele song alot. It was even in my dreams last night and instantly came to mind each time I woke up in the middle of the night.
wasting : Time in this funk... But I can't seem to shake it...
wishing : I had some discernment about what to do, which direction to turn and what God's plan is for me. I am so "lost" at the moment.
enjoying : My weekends. At least I know, for 2 days per week, I don't have to endure the new place that is my job.
waiting : For my dinner. I am hungry! It's in the oven and I smell it... It's just not ready yet :(
liking : That our condo is clean. Weird how a clean home can help your mood. Maybe it's just me!
grateful: My husband. Our health. My sweet friends who text and check in with me.
loving : That we'll be going to see Wicked in just 2 short weeks! I am SO excited to finally see this show... Hopefully it lives up to the hype!
missing: The beach
smelling : Dinner. Hey honey, when is it going to be finished!?
wearing : PJs
noticing : That it's getting darker so much earlier - which makes it seem later than it is.
thinking : My brain is fried. It's amazing how the brain turns to mush when it isn't productive or active like it wants to be
making: Thanksgiving plans and creating a delicious menu
feeling : Sad. Frustrated. Out-of-sorts.