First dance

First dance

Monday, July 20, 2015

Lord, it's hot... again...

I feel like I've written this post before... more than once... But the A/C in our condo is broken again. After a fun girls' night, my husband warned me that it was not working properly. I headed home and after toying with it for a bit, it was no use. I promptly called the warranty company the next morning, but wasn't confident in my chances of seeing a repairman before Monday.

I was surprised. The repairman came by Sun afternoon, but I can't say he delivered the best news. After identifying several issues, we talked about the options of what we could do - both to fix the current problem and to not have to go through this every single time it gets hot. He left without fixing anything or resolving the issue. 

On Monday, I called the warranty company to find out if replacement was even an option. By this time, the thing is broken - so the thought of even trying to sell and escape the blasted thing is no longer an option. As it turns out, the cost to totally replace the unit was in the thousands, even with the warranty company covering a big chunk. After much back and forth with the contractor, the warranty company and me, the final verdict is to replace the evaporator/coils. Even that is still almost $500 out of pocket, but it's worth the money if this nightmare HVAC can be fixed once and for all! 

The contractor feels confident this will fix our problem and we will not need to make follow-up calls in the foreseeable future. I cannot say I am convinced though I am hopeful that the days of 90 degrees in our condo are numbered. I am hoping for the best... Lord knows, I HATE to be HOT!! Just ask my poor husband! 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Girl's Night... And Magic Mike!

After a couple of plan changes and reschedules, Friday was finally girl's night. It was girl's night with one mission: Magic Mike! While I saw the first movie at the theater with a different group of girls, I knew this one was going to be even more fun. My hope was that the movie creators figured out where they went wrong in the first one (too much plot, not enough dancing) and the sequel would be bangin'.

We met at O'Charleys for a drink and some dinner before heading to the show. Oh... and the Walgreens to stock up on movie theater candy! (Right... because who wants to spend $5/box at the theater when they are 3 for $3 at the Walgreens!? Holla!!!)

We stocked up on Sno-Caps, Swedish Fish, Sour Patch Kids and a few others. Sadly, we hardly ate any of it because we were A.) full from dinner and B.) WAY too engrossed in dancing men in the movie! 

So - back to the movie! It was much better than the first one... SO much better... First, there was no greasy Matthew McConaughey (as much as I typically like him, he was so gross in that 1st movie). Then, there was chocolate. Oh lordy, was there chocolate! You KNOW I love some chocolate men and I definitely got my fix! AND, #3, chunky girls were in the spotlight too. Typically in stripper dancer movies, or even real life shows like that, skinny hot chicks get all the attention while the plus sized girls are off in a corner alone, drowning in their beverages. Nu-uh, not this time :)

It was a fun night. Lots of laughing, naughty comments and girl fun. Hmmm... wonder if they'd be game to go see it a second time!?