I was so hyped about Friendsgiving. For weeks, I've been posting on the FB event page and building excitement for great food and a altogether good time. That's what I remembered from last year, so I thought this year would be the same. Eh, not so much.
The day started off on the wrong foot when my cookie dough cupcakes burned! :/ They were totally ruined! Luckily, we'd already picked up ingredients for a 2nd dessert we planned to make so we had a 'Plan B' -- Chocolate chip bundt cake, homemade caramel drizzle and a Snicker bar crumble. That was until the bundt cake fell apart and the caramel took WAY longer and a LOT more effort than we anticipated. This was definitely NOT our day in the kitchen.
In any case, we brushed it off, got dressed and headed to our destination. Breezy said she was shooting for a 7:00 dinnertime. Knowing Breezy the way we know her, I fully expected things would not be ready when we arrived. That's just what we've come to expect and that's ok. What we didn't expect was that the turkey would be the only thing close to finished by 7. Potatoes and noodles for mac-n-cheese were boiling, cornbread was done for the stuffing and green beans were in the crockpot. But none of those things were near ready to eat by 7. Two or three of us girls were trying to help, but Breezy was just ALL OVER THE PLACE. She literally had spells of standing blank in the kitchen and struggling to figure out what to do, what needed to be done, what she was even doing at that moment. What began as humorous quickly became frustrating. By 9:00, stuffing was still not put together, potatoes were not mashed, turkey was not carved, sweet potato cassarole had not been started... People were hungry and it was starting to show! At 10:00, the sweet potato cassarole was taken out of the oven - only to realize that the oven was turned off and it never even cooked. Luckily, everything else was finally done and we could finally eat.
After all of the chaos, the two girls who were helping in the kitchen earlier were left to clean everything up. I was just... amazed... Definitely not a good way to host dinner, even if it is for a group of friends. Rodney said we should suggest Friendsgiving is turned into a potluck from now on, just to relieve some of the pressure on 1 cook. But she's said before that she loves it... she thrives on it... which is all fine and good if you can get your act together and get things done.
First dance

Saturday, November 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
Thanksgiving was wonderful. Rodney and I got up early to start on our cooking projects for the day. First up, red beans & rice, which we planned to drop off for his family's Thanksgiving dinner. We had to get up at 4:30 to get the beans started and boy, did it come early!! That's ok though... Despite the minimal sleep, we were both in a silly mood and simply thankful to be enjoying another Thanksgiving together.
Later, we finished up my Pumpkin Muffin Stuffin and Cookies-n-Creme Trifle to take over to our other planned Thanksgiving dinner. We were invited to spend Thanksgiving with Christine, Marshall and their family - so we got there around 12:30. I helped Christine finish up her big delicious spread and then we chowed down around 2. Everything was delicious!! By 2:30, everyone was in a food coma! LOL! That's how you know you can cook!! ;) Marshall and Rodney got their naps on while everyone else chatted and Christine's crazy sister in law ran her loud gobstopper. If I could change one thing about this dinner, they would have picked up their plates later, as was the earlier plan so I didn't have to listen to that girl's obnoxiousness!! Rodney and I had fun though. His silliness continued throughout the day... stuffing his cheeks with grapes, trying to smuggle all the leftover turkey out of the house and making Christine laugh so hard she snorted! LOL! Good times, good times!
Anywho, we left around 4:30 and headed to Rodney's family dinner. We knew they'd probably eat before we made it there so we dropped our crockpot off earlier. I was still full from earlier, so I didn't even eat. Rodney had a little bit of food, but he ended up taking some to-go. Our red beans and rice went over well, but the real hit was the trifle. Even though we made it for Christine's dinner, we had a bunch leftover and brought it into our 2nd stop. There were many moans and eyes rolling back in the head! It's now my designated dish... I was told I must make that for every family function --- and in a bigger portion! LOL! I'm definitely family now! ;)
The day was great -- but we were certainly glad to get back home and into our PJs and fuzzy socks! Time to get some rest and let our bellies recover just in time for Friendsgiving tomorrow! I can't wait!!
Later, we finished up my Pumpkin Muffin Stuffin and Cookies-n-Creme Trifle to take over to our other planned Thanksgiving dinner. We were invited to spend Thanksgiving with Christine, Marshall and their family - so we got there around 12:30. I helped Christine finish up her big delicious spread and then we chowed down around 2. Everything was delicious!! By 2:30, everyone was in a food coma! LOL! That's how you know you can cook!! ;) Marshall and Rodney got their naps on while everyone else chatted and Christine's crazy sister in law ran her loud gobstopper. If I could change one thing about this dinner, they would have picked up their plates later, as was the earlier plan so I didn't have to listen to that girl's obnoxiousness!! Rodney and I had fun though. His silliness continued throughout the day... stuffing his cheeks with grapes, trying to smuggle all the leftover turkey out of the house and making Christine laugh so hard she snorted! LOL! Good times, good times!
Anywho, we left around 4:30 and headed to Rodney's family dinner. We knew they'd probably eat before we made it there so we dropped our crockpot off earlier. I was still full from earlier, so I didn't even eat. Rodney had a little bit of food, but he ended up taking some to-go. Our red beans and rice went over well, but the real hit was the trifle. Even though we made it for Christine's dinner, we had a bunch leftover and brought it into our 2nd stop. There were many moans and eyes rolling back in the head! It's now my designated dish... I was told I must make that for every family function --- and in a bigger portion! LOL! I'm definitely family now! ;)
The day was great -- but we were certainly glad to get back home and into our PJs and fuzzy socks! Time to get some rest and let our bellies recover just in time for Friendsgiving tomorrow! I can't wait!!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Questions to 'Free your mind'...
How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
I would like to re-do 30. It was a year full of struggles and trials... It only improved at the end, when I got engaged on Christmas Eve that year.
Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Wow, such a loaded question. I hate failing. And sometimes I wonder if, in those situations, I would have been better off not taking the leap. But never trying can have regret of its own as I think I'd always wonder "What if...".
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
Things that I don't like are things I have to do typically. They are not a choice. For example, I have to work and provide for my family. If I did what I wanted to do, I would stay home and play with my husband every day.
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
I'd like to eliminate discrimination. It's 2013 people. The days of denying people jobs, refusing to marry couples or just treating people differently based on race, age, gender or sexual orientation should be a thing of the past. God gave us his greatest commandment, "To love one another as Christ loved the church..." Why can't we all strive for that?
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
I would be a singing cupcake maker! (and my husband would be my special helper!) :)
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
Right now, I am settling for what I am doing, but making preparations to someday, hopefully, do what I believe in.
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
I wouldn't hesitate about things. I would be bolder, more confident and not hold back on being who I am or doing what I want to do. I wouldn't wait for a special occasion to wear a nice dress or tell someone I love them. I would cease the day - "Carpe Diem"
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
I think I have had control in leading my life in a certain direction. I had a crappy childhood. I was not blessed with super 'Leave it to Beaver' parents/family. So, in all honesty, I could've used those things as an excuse to go down the wrong path. But I didn't. I saw those things as a reason to be better and used them as a guide of "What not to do". Most of all, I keep God in the driver seat and He never steers me wrong.
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Both are subjective. I have faith and values and morals. So, in my eyes, I am giving the best of myself to do things right and do the right things.
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Enjoy your childhood. Don't grow up too fast.
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Hmm... depends on the loved one and the law. For the livelihood of my husband (and kids, at some point) I would do just about anything (with the exception of murder or something that extreme). If my family needed to eat and we had no money/means, I wouldn't hesitate to steal or break a law to provide for my family.
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
Not everyone has the same values. In this day in age, so many people are materialistic and greedy. I like new things and that's ok. But I am just as happy with a note that comes from the heart or simply spending time with a loved one in lieu of a big fancy expensive gift. Money is nice to have, but it certainly doesn't equate to happiness.
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
I would like to travel more. Specifically I would love to take a belated honeymoon with my husband. After paying for our wedding, we did not have the funds (or the time off from work) for a honeymoon trip. I hope one day we can make that happen.
Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
For a lot of years, I held onto hurt/pain associated with my dad. When he passed 7 years ago, I decided to let the past go and let him 'rest'. However, I still carry some hurt/pain associated with his death. I just keep it buried down deep. Also, my mom has been MIA for 4 years now and even though I put on a strong front most of the time, this hurts the very core of who I am. How could a mother turn her back on her own daughter, especially after her daughter gave so much to provide for, take care of and love her mother over the years? I don't think I will ever understand it... But at some point, I am going to have to let it go...
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
I've always been drawn to the Carolinas. North or South, really doesn't matter. I just like the idea of being semi-close to the beach and the places I've visited in those states has been super nice.
Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? LOL! I totally do this. No, it never does make the elevator come faster. In fact, I think it maybe gets 'confused' and slows it down.
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
I would rather be a joyful simpleton. I can deal with not being a genius, but I know what it feels like to worry. I'd prefer a life of peace and joy over a worry-filled one.
Why are you, you?
I'm not sure. With all of the things I've endured, I am surprised I'm not jaded. Nature, nurture, experiences, society, people... they've all played a role in who I am... But I've made the choices and gotten myself to this point.
Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
Losing touch with a good friend who lives nearby. I think this is worse because it shows a lack of effort to maintain the relationship. If a person moves away, there is a reason why contact is limited and more sporadic, but if a person lives closeby, what's the excuse?
What are you most grateful for?
My husband. He is my rock. He encourages me and loves me in spite of myself. He also knows exactly what to do to make me smile, even when I am mad at him!
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Oh gosh. Can I say neither!? One of my biggest fears is ending up with memory loss or some type of dementia when I get older. I would hate to wake up one day and not recognize my husband/children or have any of the wonderful memories we made over the years. But I definitely would not want to give up making new memories either... that's what life is made of... those are the moments that make it worth living...
Has your greatest fear ever come true?
My greatest fear has changed. It used to be failure. And I have certainly failed over the years. Now, it's failing as a wife or being a terrible mother. I hope and pray those never come true.
What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Even though I did not see my dad alot during childhood, he is still part of my favorite childhood memory. He took me to 'Snow White on Ice' when I was maybe 5? I had never seen anything like it and it was nice to enjoy something so unique with my dad. I also have great memories of watching the 'Wizard of Oz' with a big bowl of popcorn and having joint birthday parties when he was around (our birthdays are 4 days apart)
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
My wedding day. I never felt so beautiful or vibrant than I did on that day. My heart was so full. It was truly amazing.
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
YES!!! But I would find another one... I'd maybe just work part time, but I'd definitely do something I enjoyed rather than something that just pays the bills.
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
I would stay by my husband's side. I may also visit a few close friends.
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
Absolutely not. Looks and fame are fleeting. I would not trade 10 years of life for either.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive is just going through the day to day, putting one foot in front of the other and breathing in and out... Nothing more, nothing less. Truly living is enjoying your life... doing the things you love, spending time with the people who mean most to you and not wasting a moment on silly trivial things.
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
I ask myself this question all the time. When things start to align and fall into place, so much so that you can't argue with it any longer, it's time to 'let go and let God'.
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
We are preconditioned to be ashamed of our mistakes. So, we are afraid to make them for fear of being ridiculed, failing and simply disappointing the people around us. In actuality, that is how we learn and become better people.
In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
Probably not. They were stressful work days and I've been a little on the cranky side. I'd like to clean the slate and start again. I hope I will make lasting memories the rest of the week with Thanksgiving and a long holiday weekend with my husband.
I would like to re-do 30. It was a year full of struggles and trials... It only improved at the end, when I got engaged on Christmas Eve that year.
Which is worse, failing or never trying?
Wow, such a loaded question. I hate failing. And sometimes I wonder if, in those situations, I would have been better off not taking the leap. But never trying can have regret of its own as I think I'd always wonder "What if...".
If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?
Things that I don't like are things I have to do typically. They are not a choice. For example, I have to work and provide for my family. If I did what I wanted to do, I would stay home and play with my husband every day.
What is the one thing you’d most like to change about the world?
I'd like to eliminate discrimination. It's 2013 people. The days of denying people jobs, refusing to marry couples or just treating people differently based on race, age, gender or sexual orientation should be a thing of the past. God gave us his greatest commandment, "To love one another as Christ loved the church..." Why can't we all strive for that?
If happiness was the national currency, what kind of work would make you rich?
I would be a singing cupcake maker! (and my husband would be my special helper!) :)
Are you doing what you believe in, or are you settling for what you are doing?
Right now, I am settling for what I am doing, but making preparations to someday, hopefully, do what I believe in.
If the average human life span was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?
I wouldn't hesitate about things. I would be bolder, more confident and not hold back on being who I am or doing what I want to do. I wouldn't wait for a special occasion to wear a nice dress or tell someone I love them. I would cease the day - "Carpe Diem"
To what degree have you actually controlled the course your life has taken?
I think I have had control in leading my life in a certain direction. I had a crappy childhood. I was not blessed with super 'Leave it to Beaver' parents/family. So, in all honesty, I could've used those things as an excuse to go down the wrong path. But I didn't. I saw those things as a reason to be better and used them as a guide of "What not to do". Most of all, I keep God in the driver seat and He never steers me wrong.
Are you more worried about doing things right, or doing the right things?
Both are subjective. I have faith and values and morals. So, in my eyes, I am giving the best of myself to do things right and do the right things.
If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
Enjoy your childhood. Don't grow up too fast.
Would you break the law to save a loved one?
Hmm... depends on the loved one and the law. For the livelihood of my husband (and kids, at some point) I would do just about anything (with the exception of murder or something that extreme). If my family needed to eat and we had no money/means, I wouldn't hesitate to steal or break a law to provide for my family.
How come the things that make you happy don’t make everyone happy?
Not everyone has the same values. In this day in age, so many people are materialistic and greedy. I like new things and that's ok. But I am just as happy with a note that comes from the heart or simply spending time with a loved one in lieu of a big fancy expensive gift. Money is nice to have, but it certainly doesn't equate to happiness.
What one thing have you not done that you really want to do? What’s holding you back?
I would like to travel more. Specifically I would love to take a belated honeymoon with my husband. After paying for our wedding, we did not have the funds (or the time off from work) for a honeymoon trip. I hope one day we can make that happen.
Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?
For a lot of years, I held onto hurt/pain associated with my dad. When he passed 7 years ago, I decided to let the past go and let him 'rest'. However, I still carry some hurt/pain associated with his death. I just keep it buried down deep. Also, my mom has been MIA for 4 years now and even though I put on a strong front most of the time, this hurts the very core of who I am. How could a mother turn her back on her own daughter, especially after her daughter gave so much to provide for, take care of and love her mother over the years? I don't think I will ever understand it... But at some point, I am going to have to let it go...
If you had to move to a state or country besides the one you currently live in, where would you move and why?
I've always been drawn to the Carolinas. North or South, really doesn't matter. I just like the idea of being semi-close to the beach and the places I've visited in those states has been super nice.
Do you push the elevator button more than once? Do you really believe it makes the elevator faster? LOL! I totally do this. No, it never does make the elevator come faster. In fact, I think it maybe gets 'confused' and slows it down.
Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton?
I would rather be a joyful simpleton. I can deal with not being a genius, but I know what it feels like to worry. I'd prefer a life of peace and joy over a worry-filled one.
Why are you, you?
I'm not sure. With all of the things I've endured, I am surprised I'm not jaded. Nature, nurture, experiences, society, people... they've all played a role in who I am... But I've made the choices and gotten myself to this point.
Which is worse, when a good friend moves away, or losing touch with a good friend who lives right near you?
Losing touch with a good friend who lives nearby. I think this is worse because it shows a lack of effort to maintain the relationship. If a person moves away, there is a reason why contact is limited and more sporadic, but if a person lives closeby, what's the excuse?
What are you most grateful for?
My husband. He is my rock. He encourages me and loves me in spite of myself. He also knows exactly what to do to make me smile, even when I am mad at him!
Would you rather lose all of your old memories, or never be able to make new ones?
Oh gosh. Can I say neither!? One of my biggest fears is ending up with memory loss or some type of dementia when I get older. I would hate to wake up one day and not recognize my husband/children or have any of the wonderful memories we made over the years. But I definitely would not want to give up making new memories either... that's what life is made of... those are the moments that make it worth living...
Has your greatest fear ever come true?
My greatest fear has changed. It used to be failure. And I have certainly failed over the years. Now, it's failing as a wife or being a terrible mother. I hope and pray those never come true.
What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes it so special?
Even though I did not see my dad alot during childhood, he is still part of my favorite childhood memory. He took me to 'Snow White on Ice' when I was maybe 5? I had never seen anything like it and it was nice to enjoy something so unique with my dad. I also have great memories of watching the 'Wizard of Oz' with a big bowl of popcorn and having joint birthday parties when he was around (our birthdays are 4 days apart)
At what time in your recent past have you felt most passionate and alive?
My wedding day. I never felt so beautiful or vibrant than I did on that day. My heart was so full. It was truly amazing.
If you just won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
YES!!! But I would find another one... I'd maybe just work part time, but I'd definitely do something I enjoyed rather than something that just pays the bills.
If you knew that everyone you know was going to die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
I would stay by my husband's side. I may also visit a few close friends.
Would you be willing to reduce your life expectancy by 10 years to become extremely attractive or famous?
Absolutely not. Looks and fame are fleeting. I would not trade 10 years of life for either.
What is the difference between being alive and truly living?
Being alive is just going through the day to day, putting one foot in front of the other and breathing in and out... Nothing more, nothing less. Truly living is enjoying your life... doing the things you love, spending time with the people who mean most to you and not wasting a moment on silly trivial things.
When is it time to stop calculating risk and rewards, and just go ahead and do what you know is right?
I ask myself this question all the time. When things start to align and fall into place, so much so that you can't argue with it any longer, it's time to 'let go and let God'.
If we learn from our mistakes, why are we always so afraid to make a mistake?
We are preconditioned to be ashamed of our mistakes. So, we are afraid to make them for fear of being ridiculed, failing and simply disappointing the people around us. In actuality, that is how we learn and become better people.
In 5 years from now, will you remember what you did yesterday? What about the day before that? Or the day before that?
Probably not. They were stressful work days and I've been a little on the cranky side. I'd like to clean the slate and start again. I hope I will make lasting memories the rest of the week with Thanksgiving and a long holiday weekend with my husband.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Back to the gym!
Can I just say - The gym is totally whooping my butt!!! Shoot, it's been years since I've been on any kind of consistent gym schedule, but I'm determined to make a change. I need to get healthier... I want to have a long life with my husband and I want to be healthy enough to carry our children in the near future. That means -- it's time to bite the bullet!
Mind you, my body has NEVER been as sore as it's been these past couple of weeks. My husband literally had to put muscle rub on my whole body last night! :( BUT, I am hopeful that it will get easier (and less painful) the more I go. Right now, I'm committed to twice a week, so I'm going on Wed & Sat. I admit that I like Sat best because the gym is pretty much empty. I hate the feeling that other people are watching me or saying to themselves, "Look at that fat girl trying to exercise!" I know I shouldn't even think about that, but I do. Most of the time I can hide my insecurity, but in a gym setting is not one of those times. Talk about a fish out of water!
It's only been 2 weeks, but I can already feel a difference. I get a lil less winded climbing stairs. I can do a few more exercises this week than I could last week. AND---after 60 situp crunches each time, I can already feel my abs! Say whaaaaat!?! I told my husband (half jokingly, half serious), "I didn't know a fat girl could have abs!!!" Go figure!!
Even when I don't feel like it, I am going to push myself to go. I have to. I'm afraid if I skip it once, it'll just be that much easier to skip it again. I just hope I can start to see a difference in the way I look and feel. There's nothing more discouraging than hard work with no payoff --- especially in the gym!
Mind you, my body has NEVER been as sore as it's been these past couple of weeks. My husband literally had to put muscle rub on my whole body last night! :( BUT, I am hopeful that it will get easier (and less painful) the more I go. Right now, I'm committed to twice a week, so I'm going on Wed & Sat. I admit that I like Sat best because the gym is pretty much empty. I hate the feeling that other people are watching me or saying to themselves, "Look at that fat girl trying to exercise!" I know I shouldn't even think about that, but I do. Most of the time I can hide my insecurity, but in a gym setting is not one of those times. Talk about a fish out of water!
It's only been 2 weeks, but I can already feel a difference. I get a lil less winded climbing stairs. I can do a few more exercises this week than I could last week. AND---after 60 situp crunches each time, I can already feel my abs! Say whaaaaat!?! I told my husband (half jokingly, half serious), "I didn't know a fat girl could have abs!!!" Go figure!!
Even when I don't feel like it, I am going to push myself to go. I have to. I'm afraid if I skip it once, it'll just be that much easier to skip it again. I just hope I can start to see a difference in the way I look and feel. There's nothing more discouraging than hard work with no payoff --- especially in the gym!
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
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